Photo: Dag Jenssen - 7 Songs of the Refugee - Grenland Friteater
Korea–Nordic Connection 2020
Danse- og teatersentrum søker en professionel scenekunstner (kunstner, produsent, ol.) til Korea-Nordic Connection 2020. Det omfatter nettverksmøter i hhv. København og Helsingør 21.-24. mai 2020 i forbindelse med CLICK Festivalen og i Seoul i oktober 2020.
Nettverksprogram i Korea og Danmark for scenekunstner med fokus på kunst og teknologi.
Hvem kan søke
Kunstnere, producenter etc., som er en del av de norske, profesjonelle scenekunstmiljø, og som spesielt arbeider eller har en ambisjon om at arbeide i kryssfeltet mellem kunst og teknologi (herunder bl.a. Virtual og Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning og BioArt).
Mer info om program og tidligere utgaver under Engelsk Open Call.
Søknadsfrist er 31. januar 2020
Søknaden skal sendes inn på norsk eller engelsk via søknadsskjemaet under.
Danse- og teatersentrum vil kunne subsidiere med en andel til reise og opphold. Det forutsettes alltid en egenandel. Det tas forbehold til endringer da denne open call sendes ut før Danse- og Teatersentrum prosjektmidler for 2020 er bekreftet.
Støttet av Kulturdepartementet
For mer informasjon, ta gjerne kontakt med Geir Lindahl på
Korea–Nordic Connection 2020
Performing Arts Hub Norway are looking for a participant to take part in the Korea-Nordic Connection 2020. Networking meetings in Copenhagen og Helsingør 21.-24. May 2020 during the CLICK Festival and in Seoul in October 2020.
Networing program in Korea and Denmark for performing arts professionals with focus on art and technology.
Who can apply
Artists, producers etc., part of the profesional norwegian performing arts, and who works or has ambitions to work in the cross roads between art and technology (including Virtual and Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and BioArt).
More info about the program and previouse programs bellow.
By 31 January 2020 we would like a short application. The application must be submitted via the application form below in english or norwegian.
Performing Arts Hub Norway will be able to subsidize with an amount for travel and accommodation, but the travels will not be fully funded by this amount. Subject to change as Performing Arts Hub Norway project fund for 2020 are not confirmed.
For more information, feel free to contact Geir Lindahl at
Powered by Norwegian Ministry of Culture.
About the program
The Connection program supports international exchanges and collaboration in Performing Arts. The exchange provides performing arts professionals with the opportunity to visit the corresponding country to gain market knowledge and a better understanding, and to find possibilities for future collaboration and exchange. In the aim of encouraging long-lasting creative exchanges and collaborations. The Korea – Nordic Connection program provides participants stepwise support from the research stage to project development stage, based on reciprocal cooperation with international partners.
Partners from the Nordic Countries: Dance Info Finland, CircusInfo Finland, Swedish Arts Council, Performing Arts Hub Norway and Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces.
Partner from Korea: KAMS (Korea Arts Management Services)
Previouse prgrams
Korea–Nordic Connection 2017 - 2018
Korea – Nordic Connection program 2017-2018
Korea-Nordic Connection was an artist exchange program connection Korean and Nordic performing arts professionals working with young audiences (ages 0-18).
Korea–Nordic Connection 2019
Korea-Nordic Connection was an artist exchange program connection Korean and Nordic performing arts professionals working with work experience and interest in the topics: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access.