Photo: Open Studio © D. Matvejev
Open call - frist 15.november!
Ønsker du å søke om å få vise en forestilling i internationale tanzmesse nrw sitt program under Tanzmesse 2022? Det er mulig for norske kunstnere å søke om å få være en del av det offisielle Tanzmesse-programmet!
Tanzmesse er Europas største messe for dansekunst og en flott plattform for nettverksbygging. Danse- og teatersentrum vil i 2022 stå for en norsk booth, der norske dansekunstnere får en ramme til å presentere seg selv. DTS/PAHN vil ha en egen norsk booth og to "networking islands” som man kan benytte seg av. Danse- og teatersentrum / Performing Arts Hub Norway har booket booth, og vil være ansvarlig for design og logistikk ved den.
For å kunne søke må man være tilknyttet en booth, dvs at ved å søke om å være med i showcase-programmet bør dere også ha vurdert at dere skal reise til Tanzmesse 2022 for å promotere deg selv/kompaniet. I tillegg til informasjonsarbeidet på booth vil det arrangeres nordiske aktiviteter og sosiale treff under Tanzmesse, for å stimulere til godt og treffsikkert nettverksarbeid.
Informasjon fra Tanzmesse:
1. Each Booth can invite as many companies as they want to send one or several proposals for the Performance Programme, as long as these companies will be represented at their Booth in the Exhibitions Halls during the Tanzmesse 2022
2. Companies can ONLY apply if they are represented at a booth, and if they have received an invitation e-mail from the Booth Coordinator (PAHN).
Dersom dere ønsker å søke om forestilling gjennom Danse- og teatersentrum sin booth så må dere motta en invitasjon fra oss som sendes via Tanzmesse-siden. Ta derfor kontakt med Anders R. Småhaug, internasjonal produsent, på anders@pahn.no for å motta invitasjon.
Mer info om Tanzmesse her: https://www.tanzmesse.com
Vi minner om kort frist og ber dere sende oss en forespørsel om invitasjon så snart som mulig!
NB! Open Call for å søke om deltagelse i norsk delegasjon til Tanzmesse vil komme på et senere tidspunkt. Følg med!
Open call - deadline 15th November!
Do you want to be part of the Tanzmesse Performance Programme 2022? It is possible for Norwegian Artists to submit a proposal and apply to be part of the official Tanzmesse program. We encourage Norwegian artists and companies to apply!
Tanzmesse is Europe's largest professional meeting for contemporary dance and a great platform for networking. In 2022, Performing Arts Hub Norway (PAHN) will continue its presence at Tanzmesse with a Norwegian booth, where Norwegian dance artists will have a framework to present themselves. PAHN will have its own booth and two "networking islands" that you can make use of. Performing Arts Hub Norway has booked a booth, and will be responsible for design and logistics regarding this.
To be able to apply, you must be connected to a booth at the Exhibition Area, i.e. by applying to participate in the program, you should also consider that you will travel to Tanzmesse 2022 to promote yourself / your company. In addition to the networking on site, Nordic activities and social gatherings will be arranged during the Tanzmesse, to stimulate good and efficient networking.
Information from Tanzmesse:
1. Each booth can invite as many companies as they want to submit one or more proposals to the Performance program, as long as these companies will be represented at their booth in the Exhibition Area (Agora) during Tanzmesse 2022.
2. Companies can ONLY apply if they are represented at a booth, and if they have received an invitation by e-mail from the Booth Coordinator (PAHN).
If you want to apply for a performance through the Performing Arts Hub Norway’s booth, you must receive an invitation from us which is sent via the Tanzmesse website. Please contact Anders R. Småhaug, international producer & booth coordinator, at anders@pahn.no to receive an invitation.
Read more about Tanzmesse: https://www.tanzmesse.com
NB! Open Call to apply for participation in the Norwegian delegation to the Tanzmesse is to be announced later. Stay tuned!
Funded by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing.