OKTOBERDANS 2022 - Working Slow

Open Talk on Performing Arts Criticism as Critical Practice 

Når: Fredag 21. Oktober 2022 kl 14:30 

Hvor: Hordaland kunstsenter, Oktoberdans, Bergen.  

Performing Arts Hub Norway (PAHN) inviterer til mottakelse før panelet/ seminaret fra kl 14:30. Forfriskninger vil bli servert.  

  • The immediacy of live performance can lead to expectations of an immediate critical writing practice: the closer it is to a performance in time, the more relevant or important a critical text will be. How does this idea shape the content of critical practice? Thinking and writing take time, and a critic's reflection does not end when a text is published. How to make room for deeper, slower thinking in performing arts criticism? How to ensure that the discourses around the performing arts get time to develop in their own time? 

Panelet består av kritikerne Lucie Hayashi (CZ), Petra Dotlačilová (CZ), Lydia Wharf (UK), Lena Megyeri (HU), og blir moderert av Anette Therese Pettersen og Hild Borchgrevink

“Think we have to; we have to think. Think actually, not like Eichmann the mindless. Of course, the devil is in the details - how to rebel? How does it matter and not just want to matter?” Donna Haraway, Staying with the trouble (2016).  

Arrangementet er organisert av Dance and Performing Arts Criticism in Europe (Taneční aktuality (CZ) og Performing Criticism Globally (NO) i samarbeid med Springback Assembly og Oktoberdans. Støttet av PAHN og Tekstallianse.  

Diskusjonen/ Panel samtalen er organisert innenfor prosjektet Dance and Performing Arts Criticism, støttet av EØS-midlene 2014 - 2021.