Denne høsten tilbyr vi, i samarbeid med Norsk Skuespillersenter, et intensivt crash-kurs for scenekunstnere som ønsker dypere kjennskap til hvordan den internasjonale arena fungerer, med fokus på programmering. Kurset går over 4 dager og er i regi av anerkjente Wolfgang Hoffmann / Aurora Nova, Berlin.
Denne workshopen vil bygge på deltakernes tidligere erfaringer med internasjonalt arbeid. Deltakerne får gjennom kurset anledning til å videreutvikle og styrke pitchingen av sine kompanier/prosjekter for det internasjonale markedet. I løpet av workshopen vil deltakerne få mulighet til å pitche for et knippe internasjonale produsenter, samt motta konstruktiv tilbakemelding.
I etterkant av workshopen vil deltakerne tilbys inntil 3 individuelle digitale veiledningsmøter med kursholder innenfor påfølgende 12 mnd.
Etter gjennomført kurs har deltakerne fått økt kompetanse og trening i å utarbeide og holde pitcher for sine prosjekter, og kan implementere nye strategier og verktøy i sitt arbeid med å satse ut mot den internasjonale scenekunstarenaen.
Sted: Oslo (kurslokale oppgis på senere tidspunkt).
Periode: 14.-17.november 2023 (10.00 – 17.00).
Kursavgift: 2500 NOK
Søknadsfrist: 16. oktober kl. 16.00
(NB! Kurset har begrenset antall plasser)
Kurset arrangeres i samarbeid med Norsk Skuespillersenter.
About the workshop - by Wolfgang Hoffmann:
Many theatre, dance and performance art makers/producers reach a stage in their career when the need to present their work on the international stage on a regular basis becomes the only way to sustain and grow their practice. Most will have already had experiences with occasional international touring and gotten a sense that their work is strong enough to deserve to be seen by a worldwide audience.
But how does one achieve international recognition? What are realistic expectations? How to reach presenters of major festivals and convince them to book my show? What markets exist and are right for my work? Who can help me achieve my goals? And where to start?
In this workshop, we will discuss these and other questions and develop individually tailored strategies for each participant to achieve international success.
During the course of 4 days we will learn:
about the different markets and touring models in the world.
what international showcase platforms exist and what it takes to present there.
how to describe the unique qualities of our work and pitch it to real presenters.
practical tips and tricks for networking, cold calling and getting answers to our emails.
about the importance to listen and building a relationship, before ‘selling’anything.
to discover our individual ‘super power’ and how to use it.
The most important element however is that the workshop participants will work together as a group and build a resource sharing network for each other. We will experience the power of encouragement and the rewards of generosity by creating a support organization that will continue to function when the workshop has long ended.
The participants get to talk about their work, their goals, and dreams. Through reflection from the group, they get to sharpen their pitch.
We discuss the relevant international markets for the various works and find realistic entry points. We discuss sustainability, time management, and outcome expectations.
We share experiences and learn about the power and importance of generosity.
We’ll conduct presentational pitches to real international presenters and analyse the results.
Wolfgang Hoffmann
Director, Aurora Nova - International Theatre Booking Agency.
Wolfgang Hoffmann is an internationally regarded cultural entrepreneur. He worked as dancer, theatre maker, dance teacher, festival director and artist representative. Growing up in the GDR, he trained as a toolmaker and came to dance at the mature age of 21. He co-founded fabrik Potsdam, a venue for music and dance in Germany, and set up the Potsdamer Tanztage, an annual dance festival. With his company fabrik Potsdam he produced and danced in 12 different shows and toured in over 20 countries worldwide. In 2001 he founded Aurora Nova, a highly acclaimed venue for physical theatre and dance in Edinburgh, and from 2004 to 2008 he was the director of the Dublin Fringe Festival. He now runs Aurora Nova as a theatre booking agency based in Berlin, representing the newest trends in contemporary circus, physical theatre and new theatrical forms, bringing them to venues and festivals around the world.
Link til Aurora Nova webside:
Photo: Volker Gerling
Quotes from previous participants:
Generous, precise, daring, and transparent.
Hopefully another one soon.
- Sabine VillatoreThank you for the opportunity! Great learning and intense process. Surprising in every way: Wolfgang is an extremely sensitive, competent and generous professional; the production was super efficient and the group was great, with talented people and a total sense of collaboration. I learned a lot! All I can say is thank you!
- Zuzuleiva, São Paulo - SP